May 19th Weekend Recap

There are a few things which really show me spring & summer have officially arrived:

  • I can leave my coat at home
  • The girls are definitely wearing less clothes
  • Shooter’s outside deck reopens.

Last Saturday I attended two major events, the Summer Kick-Off Fashion Show at Nido’s restaurant in Little Italy & the deck opening party at Shooter’s. Lets talk about the fashion show first.

I would not normally go to this type of event, but since some friends who support me asked if I would make an appearance; I did. The evening had perfect weather. As I walked the main street of Little Italy, I was greeted by many smiling people people, dining on the sidewalks. I entered Nido’s for the first time ever & was given a hero’s’ reception by the owner & his very nice wife. They said their daughter was a huge fan & were happy to finally meet me. I was also greeted by Cali Miles’ famous & beautiful Bomb Squad, who were there to model. Christina Elizabeth Prive and Heather Battaglia from Tre Sorelle, Katelyn Zagara from La Femme De Cleveland & Shannon Prada from Eryla Swimwear put on a wonderful show enjoyed by all.

Right after the show I headed directly to one of my favorite summer hangouts, Shooter’s, to enjoy the rest of the evening. No better way to start my Shooter’s nite than to run into one of my favs, Melissa Paradise, who is also the marketing & promotions director for them. She had also just arrived from the fashion show in which she modeled. Under Melissa’s direction, many new things will be happening this summer. I also had the pleasure of speaking with Roger, the notorious owner, Nikkie Nicole, a member of the Bomb Squad, a new nightlife staple, Tom Rini ( Crav Vodka ) and his beautiful wife & the good guys from Super Senior Entertainment, Brandon and Matt.

What a wonderful night! The music was thumpin’ with my “ Stand Up “ video buddies, Iphonic, weather was spring perfect & I was surrounded by Cleveland party people……Just the beginning of a magnificent Cleveland-style summer. Till next time,

– SP

Goofy Golf Suit

Ah…..springtime is in the air. It is this time of year when we remember as Clevelanders, why we suffer through long cold winters. Arguably, we have the best spring, summer, and fall seasons in the country. Our thoughts turn to the outdoor sports, such as baseball and golf among others. Today we are going to talk about my goofy golf suit.

As I’ve stated in the past, I am blessed with a great family. Every year my cousin Ronnie ( a.k.a. Big ) puts together a family golf outing, which starts with 18 holes, and ends with a family, friends cookout. Every year i wear an outrageous outfit, trying to outdo the year before. The hands down winner so far, by far, is the goofy golf suit.

I got the outfit from a fellow Progressive worker, who originally bought it as a Halloween costume about five years ago. As I was thinking about what to wear to the next outing, I remember him wearing it to our office Halloween party. I thought it would bring the laugh I was hoping to bring to everyone. However, I had a slight dilemma. That year’s outing was scheduled at one of the stuffiest, highbrow, golf clubs in northeast Ohio. What are my chances this upscale club would escort me off the links on the tip of a boot in my behind.

Even though I including a pic, I must describe the details of the suit. Starting from the ground up, I’m wearing hiking boots with green laces in one, and orange in the other. White knee high socks meet the bottom of my Scottish plaid golf style knickers. A white dress shirt is under a vest, which is made from green astroturf, with actual size plastic golf balls as buttons. I am also wearing a tie made from green astroturf with a golf ball as a tie pin. The outfit is topped off (literally) with a round, French tam style hat. The hat is made from astroturf made to look like a putting green. Protruding from the middle of it is a flag pin. Attached to the pin is a 2 inch long invisible wire with a plastic golf ball on the other end so it looks like its on the green waiting to be putted in the hole.

Sunday morning 8:00 am sharp I arrive at the course with the suit already on. I’m in pretty bad shape already because I was on West Sixth street indulging in adult beverages until 5:00am. As I approached the club’s office to pay for my round of golf, I can see two impeccably dressed older gentleman behind the counter, truly representing the class of this course. I stopped a moment, trying to muster some testicular fortitude to open the door and meet my fate. As I opened the door the two gentleman immediately looked up…to be continued soon

– SP

Cinco de Mustachio Party at Barley House

This past Saturday, May 5th, was the third of my signature Superpimp parties; this one at the Barley House Cleveland. If you’ve ever been to any one of them, you already know what makes them uniquely special.

For those of haven’t had the opportunity, I’m going to let you in on the secret ingredient…….the people.

The two things I’ve stated in the past I use to determine if the party turned out the way I wanted are:

1) Did everyone have a good time
2) How many people put everything aside to attend.

Everyone had a GREAT time. The theme was Cinco De Mayo and people definitely brought a Mexican flair to the fray. South of the border costumes, DJ XCEL mixing in some Latin music, and Patron tequila gave the event the flavor of the theme.

Now let’s talk about the turnout. I have had great attendance at all my parties, but this one was on steroids. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the line outside of Barley almost reach Tequila Ranch….insane. My apologies to those who weren’t able to make it in because of the crowd. A little tip for the future; if it’s a Superpimp party, come early, because the good party people will show, ready to go!

Would like to thank Corey May, Bobby George, Joe Oravec, Robbie Flair and all the Barley Girls & Staff for such a great event. Big Shot out to Joe Haden for being so kind to buy the Maywheater vs. Cotto fight for everyone to see it for free. (arguably best fight in a decade or so)

Last but not least, thanks to all the great people of Cleveland, who continue to show why we are the best location in the nation, and faithfully support the Superpimp “brand”.

Till next time….remember…..” Pimpin’ Ain’t Easy”

– SP