Super Pimp on the news?!

It all started with an email from Jason Handman, on air personality for Channel 19 News. He informed me the news director for the station saw the Harlem Shake video done by the Barley House, and wanted to do a feature story about me. How cool is that?!!! First time for me being on the news for something legal. 🙂

This past Saturday night, about 8:15pm, I looked out my front window and saw the Channel 19 news truck pull up in front of my house. Even though I knew why they were there for, a nervous anticipation took hold. It’s not everyday you have people come to your house to film you up close, and personal. However, Jason’s and John Baligush’s (videographer) professionalism, quickly put me at ease.

While at the house they filmed me in regular (civilian) clothes doing regular things. There are many people who have never seen me in anything other than a suit. They filmed everything from my suits and shoes in the closet, to my daughter, to my dog. It was kind of like a poor mans MTV cribs. HA! After I was filmed getting ready, they followed me to downtown Cleveland to continue the story.

Once downtown, everything turned chaotic. It was very strange, yet exciting, to do all the things I usually do with a camera recording. Everyone in the clubs really enjoyed, and got into the excitement. I couldn’t help but feel like a celebrity.

The feature story will actually air during “sweeps week” in May. Watch for exact date on my website,, Facebook, and Twitter @RealSuperPimp. Thanks to all who participated in the rough draft. Join me in watching the final product soon…should be interesting…….Till next time………

– SP

Cleveland Scene Article

Superpimp In Studio with Alan Cox, Chad and Erika

Outside WMMS HeadQuarters

Ready, Set, Go

Inside the beautiful studio of the Alan Cox Show

Loved the wallpaper

– SP

Cleveland’s ‘SuperPimp’ Has His Own Site

Posted by Vince Grzegorek in the Cleveland Scene Magazine

Dear lord. You know “SuperPimp.” You’ve seen the catcher’s-mitt tan, the flamboyant suits, and the ridiculous hair all over town.

Anyway, he has his own website now — (How that domain was still available is beyond us. How did no enterprising actual pimp snap that up? Or, at least, Too Short?)

The virtual home of SuperPimp is just what you would expect, which is to say Pimptacular — from the Perez Hiton-esque banner up top to the intro video, which you can see below, to his Pimpology 101 blog where he opines on whatever’s on SuperPimp’s mind. For instance, “Why I Wear Suits.” (“When I was growing up, men and boys always wore suits for occasions such as weddings, going to church, parties, funerals etc. It was a matter of respect. Respect for yourself, your family and others. My daughter gets upset with me whenever I go to one of her school functions because I always wear a suit (not pink..Ha!). It is second nature for me to “dress for respect”. This is the way I was brought up. As we all know, when we leave our parent’s influence, we have the tendency to not follow some of the things they insisted upon. This did not happen to me because of an adventure that “superpimped” me forever.”

You get the point. Browse around and be pimpified.

Cleveland’s Superpimp Launches Official Website

SuperPimp, a well-known personality of Cleveland’s nightlife, has announced the launch of his new website, The new website has been designed to reflect SuperPimp’s lifestyle, with a focus on good friends, good family and good times.

CLEVELAND, OHIO October 12th, 2011 – If you’ve ever had a chance to enjoy the Cleveland nightlife, you’ve probably ran into the best dressed man in town. Whether he’s sporting his bright pink suite on West 6th or his orange suit on Sunday’s in the muni-lot – The man people have come to know as “SuperPimp” is hard to forget. Today, SuperPimp has announced the launch of his official website, The new website has been designed to reflect his lifestyle, with a focus on good friends, good family and good times. will be a place where fans can connect with SuperPimp by asking questions, sharing pictures and more importantly getting to know the man behind the suit. SuperPimp has lived all over the world and the only place he calls home is Cleveland. “I wouldn’t live anywhere else. I love Cleveland and its people are the best. I just love it,” said SuperPimp. Fans who visit the website will be pleasantly surprised by the incredible stories of the life SuperPimp has lived and continues to live.

SuperPimp’s journey through life has been spectacular and will be amply explained through the website. Stories will highlight SuperPimp’s years spent serving as a Captain in the U.S. Army, the time he danced on Broadway, his experience as a restaurateur and as an entrepreneur of a successful jewelry business.

SuperPimp has teamed up with UpsideDownFoot Media, a Cleveland based digital marketing agency, to develop and launch this marketing campaign that includes an official website, a strong social media platform and an official clothing line.

In addition to the launch of the website, SuperPimp will host a photo contest to promote the website. “My fans have brought a smile to my face for the last decade, so now it’s time to return the favor,” said SuperPimp. The contest is scheduled to start later this month, but the official date has not been determined. “I can guarantee that there will be a large cash grand prize,” added SuperPimp.

“This website is the product of many years… There has been so much SuperPimpin’ that it’s impossible to capture it all at once,” said SuperPimp. “I respect my fans so much that I want this website to be theirs, as much as it’s mine. I hope to gain new ideas for the website from my fans and incorporate them into the design as much as possible.”

About SuperPimp
As a Cleveland legend, SuperPimp has developed a strong fan base over the years. Fans gave him the nickname SuperPimp and he has learned to embrace it along with the laughter it brings people. However, the misconceptions people have about SuperPimp couldn’t be further from the truth… SuperPimp just wants to make people happy. The only thing SuperPimp will “pimp” (promote and stand for) is the good life. It’s all about good friends, good family and good times.

Photos Available Upon Request
Contact: Sorin Bica,
