This past Friday, April 20th, was my Black & White party at the Velvet Dog. This party was held in appreciation of all my fans, whose support landed me on the cover of Cleveland Scene Magazine. Not only was I honored with a cover picture & article, but it also became the most “Liked” story in the history of Scene magazine. How cool is that!!!??? Thanks to you all.

It's all in the Family: my brother-in-law, sister, sister-in-law and my brother.
This was the second of many parties to come that have my name on them. The first was the very successful “Pimp & Pimpette” at the Barley House earlier this year.
What is the measure I use to determine whether or not a party is a success or failure? There are actually two, in this order:
2) How many people took the time to attend
By these measures, it was one hell of a party!
Personally, I was touched by how many people let myself, my team, & sponsors know how much they enjoyed, as well as appreciated, this great event. All of us worked very hard to make it a truly Superpimp brand party. Our reward for the time & effort put forth, was the sincere feedback from those in who attended. “ Hey, I had a great time at your party “ is music to our ears.
I would like to take a moment to personally thank all those who were so instrumental in making this happen: Ray, Matt and the gracious staff at the Velvet Dog; our sponsors: the Cleveland Scene, Little Black Dress Vodka, Bud Light Platinum, UpsideDownFoot Media and mKreative. And last but not least, Matt Keirsey, Huy Pham and John for capturing this great night on film and camera.
You people are the best!
My next Superpimp brand party is going to be the “Cinco de Mustachio” at Barley House on May 5th. Stay tuned for the details.
As I always say, “ Do you know how I know it’s going to be the place to be?” “ Because YOU’LL be there” HA!
Till next time,
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