Appearances |

Brian Burk and Jennifer West Wedding Appereance


Of the many different types of appearances I get paid to do, weddings are still one of my very favorites. (As long as it isn’t mine! 😀 ) It is a celebration of love, and new beginnings, shared by the couples’ family and friends. No better ingredients for a joyous event.

Recently I had the honor to be part of Brian Burk ( Dr. Bob ) and Jennifer West’s special day. Two of their best friends, Amanda Hopper and Mark Sertich, contacted me through my website regarding making an appearance at their friend’s wedding. They told me both Brian, and Jennifer were huge fans of mine, and thought it would be a great present to have me surprise them by attending.

The whole thing was planned out perfectly. After the bridal dance, the DJ had everyone return to their seats, and directed the bride to stay on the dance floor. As the first notes from my unofficial theme song ‘ Jesse’s Girl ‘rang out, I appeared at the door of the beautiful ballroom at the Tudor Arms Hotel. The smile that suddenly appeared on both of their faces could have lit the room without electricity. This above all is what makes what I do so worthwhile to me.


After doing the ‘Superpimp dance’ with the bride, greeting the groom, and meeting the rest of the wedding party, I turned to meet the other guests. I received a pleasant surprise myself by learning so many of the out of state guests knew who I was. Amazing!!! A great time was had by all.



A very special wish to Brian and Jennifer for a happy, healthy, and wealthy marriage. May yours be an example to others. Thank you Amanda and Mark for thinking of me to be part of their union. Hope all of you enjoy the pictures provided by Dennis Crider Photography.

Now Booking: Private Events, Fall Weddings and Halloween Parties

– SP

I DID IT! Rappelling fundraiser for Leukemia


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As many of you know, last Saturday 07/27/2013, I was scheduled to rappel off a 13 story building to raise money to fight Leukemia. Today is 07/31/2013 & I’m happy to report I’m alive & well…ready to convey my experience. Thanks to all who read my blog prior to the event, and gave me such great encouragement. I appreciate all of you.

Att the top

At the top The morning of the event was overcast and rainy. First thought was maybe it would be cancelled. Part of me said it would be OK if it was, the other part said no, I want this to happen. After finding it was still on, I arrived at the building to seeing it was much higher than I had expected. Parked beneath it was an ambulance, and fire truck which I was sure was there to cart me away.

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In true Superpimp style I wore a black tuxedo for the rappel. The people who actually ran the rappelling part said in all their years doing this they had never had anybody wear a tux. They all got a great laugh as they put the harness on, and I told them of my fear of heights.

The hardest part was standing on the ledge with my heels hanging over the edge. As I stepped over the side, my concentration went from fear to handling the situation in a military manner. Almost immediately, I began to enjoy the thrill and excitement of my downward descent. As my feet hit the ground I heard a loud cheer and applause. What an awesome feeling knowing not only had I helped raise money for a great cause, but also overcame my fear. As I always say “Life begins where your comfort zone ends”
Godspeed Michael Sullivan……..Hope you all enjoy the video & pics………

– SP

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Mission Accomplished

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Michael V. Sullivan Fundraiser

If the local and national news on T.V. was your only source as to what is happening in the world today, you may think all people do is harm each other. On the other hand, if you actually get out i and participate in life, your perception of mankind would be much different.

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Last Friday ( 07/26/13 ), Robbie Flair and myself co-hosted a fundraiser for our friend Michael V. Sullivan at Barley House Akron. Many of you know Michael as a popular young bartender at Barley House Cleveland. He is currently battling & winning his fight against Lukemia His courage in the face of this nasty disease is an inspiration to all who know him. “I’m no chump!” is his favorite battle cry directed towards his adversary.

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BH Akron was packed with his family and friends. The outpouring of love and compassion displayed in the room was enough to soften even the most hardened of hearts. Not only was there much needed financial support given to his wonderful family, but also the comfort of knowing so many people are praying for his speedy recovery.

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On behalf of Michael, his family, Robbie and myself…. Thanks to all who came out and gave of themselves in so many different ways at this great event. Please do not forget the battle continues. Take a little time to keep in touch with MIchael and his family. The littlest of gestures mean a lot in their time of need.

We are all with you Michael….You got this……………….

– SP

Be The Match Fundraiser – July 27th, 2013

My play cousin,James f. Toth, a fine man, a great husband & father, was taken too early by the terrible killer Leukemia. Thanks to research, there are many more treatments available now than were then. One very important one is made possible thru a donor match program. The next couple of posts describe how you can help & have fun in the process. This program could very well be needed by you or your family. Any questions? Contact me directly.

All donations, big or small, could me a difference: Visit My Donations Page

Be The Match® – Cleveland is launching a signature event called Be The Match Goes Over The Edge…to cure blood cancer. Over the Edge sends participants who have raised $1,000 in pledges rappelling down an office building!

Be The Match understands that families facing challenges such as blood cancer, are searching for solid ground. Our goal is to help make finding that solid ground easier. Hang out with us in support of the Be The Match mission and the families we serve.

Rappel down Tower East in beautiful Shaker Heights and help us celebrate with patients, families and friends of the Be The Match community.

See Over The Edge in Action.

Date: Saturday, July 27, 2013
Location: Tower East Office Building
20600 Chagrin Boulevard
Shaker Heights, OH 44122

There are many ways to support this event. Check out the “About Tab” for more information!

Be The Match helps patients receive the marrow or umbilical cord blood transplant they need. Thousands of patients with leukemia and other life-threatening diseases depend on Be The Match Registry® to find an unrelated donor and a second chance at life. Seventy percent of patients do not have a donor match in their family.

Super Pimp In A Tux?

No, I wasn’t getting married! Back in November I was part of a shoot for a commercial to be aired very soon. It is scheduled to be shown at Cinemark theaters, on the big screen, before every movie. How cool is that!!? The only thing not so cool is, my face is going to be shown about 200 times bigger than God ever intended it to be… 🙂

Had The Pleasure of Escorting These Beautiful Twin Sisters, Nancy (black) and Kate (purple), to the Event. Pimpin' Ain't Easy!

Saturday was the first night it was shown to the general public. Up to this point,I hadn’t even seen it. The commercial was initiated by the dynamic new Cleveland based company Unite This City, a Cleveland twist to the national company Groupon.

The launch party was a “red carpet” affair held at the Barley House Cleveland on W 6th st. The evening started with a buffet style dinner, comprised of some of the great food which Barley House has become known for. After dinner, the crowd was wowed by the first of two great “fire” shows put on by Cleveland’ own Robbie Flair. Ray Glime ( DJ EXCEL) MC’ed the event, & also supplied the music in his own unique style.

Next up was the highlight of the evening, the premiere showing of the much anticipated UTC commercial. If I was to say I wasn’t nervous, I’d be telling a lie. I wanted the commercial to be the success the two companies envisioned… especially my part.

When I first appeared, a cheer came from the crowd. I could not ever express in words how great that felt. At the end of the showing ,a wonderful round of applause filled the room in appreciation for a job well done by everyone involved. I was very happy for Don DiFranco & his staff who had worked so hard to make everything happen.

This for me, was another giant step in reaching my dream. A very special thank you to all my family, friends, & fans who turned out to support me on this very special night…..Hope you enjoy the pics………Till next time……………..

– SP

Video Appearance: Hardcore Hall & Oates (NSFW) – Drug Deal Gone Bad!

Since Mike Polk & Chad Zumock invited me to be in this video, my career is now almost complete! Enjoy:

SuperPimp Party every Friday Night at Velvet Dog

EVERY Friday night, starting this Fri. 11/9, I will be be hosting the “Superpimp Party”on the 2nd fl. How will it differ from anywhere else? The fact that it is going to be a true party atmosphere rather than a club type atmosphere. With your help & support I hope to create a place to go that actually helps you meet people. Many times we go out, listen to music, have a drink, ( or 12 ) then go home feeling as empty as when you came. Not at my party! When you attend my party, it will be easier to meet new people, as well as existing friends. After all, isn’t that basically why we hit downtown?

It’s a typical Friday night at the Velvet Dog; one of the longest lasting popular clubs on West Sixth. The floor level of the club is alive with people and loud music. It is winter time & the rooftop patio is closed. Some people prefer to climb the wooden steps leading to the small, quieter bar on the third floor. As you climb the stairs, about halfway up on the left, are the double doors that lead to the second floor bar. Although it is a nice room, roughly the same size as the main bar, many times it is closed except for special events or overflow on busy nights. Many of you pass it by because you peeked in and saw it was basically empty……this is where “The West Sixth Experiment “ begins.

As I stated earlier, this is an experiment. Without your help I can not put together the right formula. Come see me, your smiling HOST & about 200 of your current & future relationships, 2nd fl Velvet Dog, this Fri.( Every Fri.) For V.I.P. bottle service at great prices, contact me vip@superpimp.com. Any questions, suggestions, updates, email me personally!

See you there…the place to be seen……………..SP

My 21st Birthday Recap (Photos & Video)

Thursday Sept.6th marked the first time in many years I actually had a party to celebrate my birthday….what a great party it turned out to be!! Earth, one of the newest and most impressive nightclubs to hit the Cleveland scene, was nice enough to host the party. If you haven’t yet experienced the club, you’re in for a real treat.

Formerly the Odeon, Earth has undergone a wonderful transformation, guided by it’s personable new owner Eric Buckner. Large dance floor, great lighting, professional staff, & comfortable V.I.P areas mark the feel of this new addition to Cleveland. The music is headed up mainly by DJ EV and DJ Alex Kay, but many local top DJs often join the stage.

The party started out on some shaky ground when the sponsor for the V.I.P liquor fell through. Fifteen minutes before guests were scheduled to arrive, I found out we had no sponsored bottles to serve. To my rescue came Eric the owner with a generous deal which helped save the night. I am taking this opportunity to once again thank him. Anyone thinking about having a special event, I recommend giving this place a consideration.

After this situation was solved the party just got better & better. By 11:00pm the place was packed with party people wearing some stylish new sunglasses provided by the Butt Watchers brand. I am proud to say I am the brand ambassador for this great company. Check out the pics on this page to see some examples of hundreds of glasses they were kind enough to give out. You can also purchase them at BWSHADES.com

One of the many special things about the night was the fact my daughter Kelley was there. She just recently turned 18 & this was not only her first time in a club, but also our first night together in a club. Although this was a strange situation for both of us, it turned out to be a lot of fun. It is with heartfelt gratitude that I say thank you to all my family, friends, & fans who helped make this one of my most special birthdays ever…………………..till next time………….

– SP

Swing City Big Band Live at the Office Grille in Westlake

Office Grille is proud to announce a special one night only appearance of the world renown, Swing City Big Band featuring the bold song stylings of Ray Ewers as well as the melodic tones of the beautiful Peggy Gibbons and Cindy Smith.

Spend a magical evening reminiscing with songs of such great artists as:

Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Bobby Darin, the Dorseys, Ella Fitzgerald
and many more.

Too young to remember, but really love great music? This truly remarkable 20 piece band experience will bring it alive for you. Due to the expected turnout for this event, please come early.

NO COVER, but seating is limited.

Hosted by Cleveland’s Own SuperPimp

  • Swing & Jitterbug dance contest with cash prizes
  • Drink specials all night
  • Prizes for best dress couple & best legs.

– SP

The Owen & Laura Hood Wedding

On July 7 of this year a very special couple by the name of Owen & Laura Hood exchanged their wedding vows. I had met them out & about on several occasions while they were just going out together. Even before I knew they were planning to marry, I thought they were both outstanding people who made a perfect couple. So when Owen contacted me via my website asking me to be a special guest at their reception, I was honored.

The wedding & reception were both held at one of the most beautiful venues in Cleveland. I had never been to, or heard of the Shoreby Club in Bratenhal before this event. An absolutely beautiful facility right on the lake. Upon arriving, I went around back where a huge tent housed I would guess between 2-3 hundred people. The sun was just setting on the lake, bringing a soft glow across the event. Owen did not tell anyone I was making a special appearance, so when I walked in, a roar went up from the crowd. What a rush for me knowing this is the response Owen & Laura were looking for.

Laura looked absolutely stunning in her wedding dress, and Owen & his boys cleaned up good as well. I got to dance with many of their guests along with both moms…..a real treat. I met so many nice people. Each one in their own way made me feel at home, and that I added to the enjoyment of their night.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Owen & Laura for letting me a small part of this magnificent occasion. You deserve all the happiness you bring to others in your married life together.

As a side note, I really love going to weddings. ( As long as it’s not mine HA!) So if anyone has one coming up, and you would like me to appear, please contact me….Have a great day

– SP

Memorial Weekend Recap

On July 9th a long time ago, about thirty men in their late teens, early twenties, boarded a bus in downtown Lorain. I was one of those young men. We were headed to the Federal Building in Cleveland to start the induction process for entering the United States Army. Ten of those great young men never saw the age of 22. On behalf of my friends who died, their families,and all the other men, women, and their families who made the ultimate sacrifice defending our country…..WE SALUTE YOU……this past Memorial Day, and all to come.

This past Memorial weekend I was at one of my favorite places…Put-N-Bay. It had been nearly three years ago since I’d been there. I was stoked to participate in the debauchery which defines the islands. This is the only place I do not wear a suit to party. Considering I wasn’t wearing a suit, I hadn’t been there in so long, and people come from all over, I had already prepared myself not to be as recognized as I am usually accustomed. Boy was I wrong!

There were fans from all over the country who were nice enough to say hello and ask for a pic. California, New York, Philadelphia, Arizona amongst others. The first words out of most everyone’s mouth was either “Where’s the suit?” or “ I can’t believe you’re here & not in Cleveland”

The place has really changed in some ways i.e. many new bars & restaurants, but still has the feeling of being on some faraway island in a world of its own. We arrived on a 35 ft cabin cruiser Thurs. afternoon & stayed until Sunday. Good friends, the famous bbq chicken, Mad Dog Adams at the Roundhouse, Beer Barrel Saloon, Frosty’s, and of course, booze, combined to make it one great weekend. Can’t wait until “Christmas in July” at the islands!…….Till next time…………….

– SP

May 19th Weekend Recap

There are a few things which really show me spring & summer have officially arrived:

  • I can leave my coat at home
  • The girls are definitely wearing less clothes
  • Shooter’s outside deck reopens.

Last Saturday I attended two major events, the Summer Kick-Off Fashion Show at Nido’s restaurant in Little Italy & the deck opening party at Shooter’s. Lets talk about the fashion show first.

I would not normally go to this type of event, but since some friends who support me asked if I would make an appearance; I did. The evening had perfect weather. As I walked the main street of Little Italy, I was greeted by many smiling people people, dining on the sidewalks. I entered Nido’s for the first time ever & was given a hero’s’ reception by the owner & his very nice wife. They said their daughter was a huge fan & were happy to finally meet me. I was also greeted by Cali Miles’ famous & beautiful Bomb Squad, who were there to model. Christina Elizabeth Prive and Heather Battaglia from Tre Sorelle, Katelyn Zagara from La Femme De Cleveland & Shannon Prada from Eryla Swimwear put on a wonderful show enjoyed by all.

Right after the show I headed directly to one of my favorite summer hangouts, Shooter’s, to enjoy the rest of the evening. No better way to start my Shooter’s nite than to run into one of my favs, Melissa Paradise, who is also the marketing & promotions director for them. She had also just arrived from the fashion show in which she modeled. Under Melissa’s direction, many new things will be happening this summer. I also had the pleasure of speaking with Roger, the notorious owner, Nikkie Nicole, a member of the Bomb Squad, a new nightlife staple, Tom Rini ( Crav Vodka ) and his beautiful wife & the good guys from Super Senior Entertainment, Brandon and Matt.

What a wonderful night! The music was thumpin’ with my “ Stand Up “ video buddies, Iphonic, weather was spring perfect & I was surrounded by Cleveland party people……Just the beginning of a magnificent Cleveland-style summer. Till next time,

– SP

Cinco de Mustachio Party at Barley House

This past Saturday, May 5th, was the third of my signature Superpimp parties; this one at the Barley House Cleveland. If you’ve ever been to any one of them, you already know what makes them uniquely special.

For those of haven’t had the opportunity, I’m going to let you in on the secret ingredient…….the people.

The two things I’ve stated in the past I use to determine if the party turned out the way I wanted are:

1) Did everyone have a good time
2) How many people put everything aside to attend.

Everyone had a GREAT time. The theme was Cinco De Mayo and people definitely brought a Mexican flair to the fray. South of the border costumes, DJ XCEL mixing in some Latin music, and Patron tequila gave the event the flavor of the theme.

Now let’s talk about the turnout. I have had great attendance at all my parties, but this one was on steroids. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the line outside of Barley almost reach Tequila Ranch….insane. My apologies to those who weren’t able to make it in because of the crowd. A little tip for the future; if it’s a Superpimp party, come early, because the good party people will show, ready to go!

Would like to thank Corey May, Bobby George, Joe Oravec, Robbie Flair and all the Barley Girls & Staff for such a great event. Big Shot out to Joe Haden for being so kind to buy the Maywheater vs. Cotto fight for everyone to see it for free. (arguably best fight in a decade or so)

Last but not least, thanks to all the great people of Cleveland, who continue to show why we are the best location in the nation, and faithfully support the Superpimp “brand”.

Till next time….remember…..” Pimpin’ Ain’t Easy”

– SP

Black & White Party at Velvet Dog

This past Friday, April 20th, was my Black & White party at the Velvet Dog. This party was held in appreciation of all my fans, whose support landed me on the cover of Cleveland Scene Magazine. Not only was I honored with a cover picture & article, but it also became the most “Liked” story in the history of Scene magazine. How cool is that!!!??? Thanks to you all.

It's all in the Family: my brother-in-law, sister, sister-in-law and my brother.

This was the second of many parties to come that have my name on them. The first was the very successful “Pimp & Pimpette” at the Barley House earlier this year.

What is the measure I use to determine whether or not a party is a success or failure? There are actually two, in this order:

2) How many people took the time to attend

By these measures, it was one hell of a party!

Personally, I was touched by how many people let myself, my team, & sponsors know how much they enjoyed, as well as appreciated, this great event. All of us worked very hard to make it a truly Superpimp brand party. Our reward for the time & effort put forth, was the sincere feedback from those in who attended. “ Hey, I had a great time at your party “ is music to our ears.

I would like to take a moment to personally thank all those who were so instrumental in making this happen: Ray, Matt and the gracious staff at the Velvet Dog; our sponsors: the Cleveland Scene, Little Black Dress Vodka, Bud Light Platinum, UpsideDownFoot Media and mKreative. And last but not least, Matt Keirsey, Huy Pham and John for capturing this great night on film and camera.

You people are the best!

My next Superpimp brand party is going to be the “Cinco de Mustachio” at Barley House on May 5th. Stay tuned for the details.

As I always say, “ Do you know how I know it’s going to be the place to be?” “ Because YOU’LL be there” HA!

Till next time,

– SP

[button link=”http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.446427938707033.125330.259684387381390&type=1″ style=”magic_pink”]See All Photos[/button]

St. Patrick’s Day in Cleveland 2012 Recap

Legend has it, St. Patrick banished all the snakes out of Ireland. Historians say it isn’t fact, but rather years of exaggerated story telling. I, Superpimp, who some say has been around for a lot of history (Ha!) say it is true. He rounded all of them up and sent them to Pittsburgh.

All I know is, St Patrick must have made himself a honorary Clevelander after witnessing the party our wonderful people and city threw for him. I think he was a little surprised to see how many people of different races, colors, and creeds claimed Irish heritage last Saturday.

I got downtown about 10:00am on Saturday after not getting home Friday night until 4:00am. ( Pimpin’ ain’t easy.) My good friend from Lorain, Jim Maschari, met with me at the Barley House along with his friend Ray and his wife. After inhaling a couple of quick drinks, we migrated to Bar Louie’s for a bite and a “ Snake Bite”; or four. On to the Drop Bar outside patio for some shots, and some pics with fans, including WWE’s Derrick Bateman.

I walked past the “new” club, Martini 6 (formerly Sin) and ran into my bud Don Devries, the man of Martini 6. It was their grand opening with one of my fav bands “Iphonic“ who put a great show; but I was kind of surprised they had a couple drinks before they went on, HA! (Look for the soon to be released Iphonic music video, featuring your very own Superpimp)

What a blessed day, weather-wise. I ended my night on the roof of the Velvet Dog.

Thanx to all the fans who took pics and stopped to talk and party. You made my day! A special shoutout to the people of Cleveland; 500,000 strong only 21 arrests. A great example to other cities; let’s keep it up!

– SP

Swimsuit Contest at the Islander Grill

This past Sunday I went to an event where I had the most fun since my own Pimp & Pimpette party!

The event was organized by the beautiful & talented Shannon Prada to showcase her new swimsuit line and to celebrate Donnie’s 19th birthday. Ha! The party was at at the Islander Grille in Parma and was hosted by the equally beautiful & high energy Kileigh Hohenfeld.

I was a celebrity judge along with Joe Quebodeaux from iPhonic and Aaron LaFette.Dj Xcell provided his expertise in creating the musical atmosphere.

The two highlights of the event ( besides the models ) were the fire show put on by Cleveland’ best bartender Robbie Flair and the impromptu performance by Iphonic singer JQ. Check out the video.

Congratulations to the two winners, Tara and Victoria, who will go on to the finals.

A very special Congratulations to Shannon, Kileigh, and Donnie on a very successful as well as entertaining event.

A special thanx for letting me be a part of this memorable night………

– SP

Shinto Chef, JQ, Kileigh, Robbie Flair and Myself Drinking out of back to the future pitcher used in the iPhonic video

1st Annual Pimps & Pimpettes Party Recap & Photos

Wow! What a party! Of course I’m talking about the 1st Annual Pimps & Pimpettes party, held Jan. 25th, at the Barley House, Downtown Cleveland. There were two things I wanted to have happen that night:

First and foremost, I wanted everyone who was nice enough to attend to have a great time. As most of you know, what I “pimp“ is good family, good friends, and good times. Second of all, I wanted to have a great turnout to reward all the hard work my support teams had put out.

Well I’m happy to report both things came to pass.

Party Pana supplied great music, and was overheard to say “ It looks like a Saturday night “ A majority of people dressed to impress in their best sexy pimp or pimpette outfit. The outfits became complete when they put on their complimentary Superpimp moustaches. ( the girls as well as the guys! )

A large group of still & video photographers captured the night for posterity. Many thanks to Matt Keirsey, Evan Bryan, Keith Galloway and Huy Pham.

The newest drink, concocted by Robbie Flair especially for the party, called the “Pimpopolitan”, became an instant hit. I would like to take a moment to sincerely thank the gracious staff at the Barley House for all they contributed to the success of the event, especially Corey, Joe, Frank, Stephanie and the gorgeous Barley Girls.

A special thanx to my marketing team, UpsideDownFoot Media, who helped put this night together.

Last but not least, thanx to the greatest fans in the world for supporting me once again.

– SP

What was your favorite part about the party?

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Jamaican Model Search SuperBomb Sundays at Shooters

Last night was the Jamaican Model Search party hosted by Cali Miles, music by iPhonics and celebrity judge, yours truly, at Shooter’s. The advice to my fans all last week was to not miss this party. Well, for those who went, you can thank me later. For those who did not, tried to tell ya. What a great event! Shooter’s was full. The music was hot and so were the women. ( Both contestants & non-contestants ) This was the first of five Sunday night bikini contest parties. The only drawback to the night was Dj Donkis, DJ EV & Robbie Flair were all there. ( Just joking guys! ) Here’s a few pics to show what a tough job I had last night…Pimpin’ ain’t easy!

– SP

All Metal Sales Holiday Party

A very special thanks to Dennis Moore, his boss, and all the employees of All Metal Sales for inviting me to do a personal appearance at their company Christmas party.
The event was held at the Saucy Bistro in Westlake last Saturday. I am always a little apprehensive about doing these parties, but they all could not have made me feel more welcome (I thought I was crazy). We all had some great laughs, and I think a good time was had by all.

By the time I left, I felt like I had known these people for a long time. I would love to go to another party hosted by this group because I miss them already.

Another pleasant surprise for the night to me was that my friend Rob Turek was the celebrity bartender. He did a great job as always!

Once again, thanks to the great employees of All Metal Sales for a very enjoyable evening…….

– SP

DJ EV Brings Superpimp On Stage

Special shout out 2 DJ E-V 4 his great performance & 4 having me on stage. Thanx 2 the Pimpettes 4 escorting me on stage. U guys are great.