May 19th Weekend Recap |

May 19th Weekend Recap

There are a few things which really show me spring & summer have officially arrived:

  • I can leave my coat at home
  • The girls are definitely wearing less clothes
  • Shooter’s outside deck reopens.

Last Saturday I attended two major events, the Summer Kick-Off Fashion Show at Nido’s restaurant in Little Italy & the deck opening party at Shooter’s. Lets talk about the fashion show first.

I would not normally go to this type of event, but since some friends who support me asked if I would make an appearance; I did. The evening had perfect weather. As I walked the main street of Little Italy, I was greeted by many smiling people people, dining on the sidewalks. I entered Nido’s for the first time ever & was given a hero’s’ reception by the owner & his very nice wife. They said their daughter was a huge fan & were happy to finally meet me. I was also greeted by Cali Miles’ famous & beautiful Bomb Squad, who were there to model. Christina Elizabeth Prive and Heather Battaglia from Tre Sorelle, Katelyn Zagara from La Femme De Cleveland & Shannon Prada from Eryla Swimwear put on a wonderful show enjoyed by all.

Right after the show I headed directly to one of my favorite summer hangouts, Shooter’s, to enjoy the rest of the evening. No better way to start my Shooter’s nite than to run into one of my favs, Melissa Paradise, who is also the marketing & promotions director for them. She had also just arrived from the fashion show in which she modeled. Under Melissa’s direction, many new things will be happening this summer. I also had the pleasure of speaking with Roger, the notorious owner, Nikkie Nicole, a member of the Bomb Squad, a new nightlife staple, Tom Rini ( Crav Vodka ) and his beautiful wife & the good guys from Super Senior Entertainment, Brandon and Matt.

What a wonderful night! The music was thumpin’ with my “ Stand Up “ video buddies, Iphonic, weather was spring perfect & I was surrounded by Cleveland party people……Just the beginning of a magnificent Cleveland-style summer. Till next time,

– SP

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