Tailgating on Browns Sunday is a spiritual happening. This past Sunday was no exception.
There were angelic looking women and devilish men, all attending the church of the Browns. Everyone was doing their own ritual with a common theme: An equal love for the Browns and for the Party.
I kept my promise not to go to the pit in protest for the greedy pedestrian fee. And what a great decision that was: “Muni” was in rare form.
The highlights of the day at “Muni”:
#1: The slow motion game played to “Chariots of Fire” music. What a creative and entertaining skit! Hilarious! It was performed by the guys at the “only tailgate with a dance floor”, the DJs tailgate.
#2: The always great job done by the “Browns Bunch” bringing music and excitement to the party. They always treat me well. Loved braking it down to “Jessie’s Girl.” Thanks guys. You are becoming tailgating legends.
I invite you all to share your best moments at last weeks tailgate party and the Browns win.
See you all this Sunday at the “Muni”…..
BROWNS 99 Titans 0