Chapter 3 – Part 3

In the summertime between the 4th & 5th grade I started to hear some of my parents conversations about moving. Any decisions made by my parents regarding the family were never discussed with me. I was always told as a matter of fact what would be happening next. This was probably more the rule than the exception with most families at the time. It seems parents let kids have more say today in most everything, or at least discuss things beforehand.

When the word came down that we were moving, I was devastated. The thought of me leaving my childhood friends and familiar neighborhood was hard to comprehend. What I understood clearly was, I didn’t want to go. There was one fact that got me through the initial sadness. We were going to move into a brand new house; which did not exist yet. The house was being built by my dad & uncles. In 11 year old years;(like dog years), that would take forever, so I still had plenty of time. I would be at least married by then, I thought.

Larry Melia & I Just Before I Left the Neighborhood

Moving day arrived in the middle of 5th grade; along with many mixed emotions. In a way, I was really excited to see the new house, but did not want to leave the place I knew & loved. Since the house was on the other side of town, my best friend (Larry Melia) & I made a pact to keep our friendship together by bicycle. The realization that we could still see each other by meeting at the park, or the old neighborhood, made the world right again.

I started back to school at Charleston Elementary within a few days of moving. Even back then I was confident in my own skin, so I didn’t experience the “new kid in class” angst. As I mentioned in Chapter 1, my mom was from England. Upon arrival to the U.S., she joined a club comprised of English women who had also married American soldiers during WWII. One of the women in the club, Betty Misita, lived on the next street with her husband, son, & daughter. Her son Michael was my age & became my first new friend. He helped me meet other kids at school, as well as the neighborhood. As I will get into later, he & his family turned out to be one of the biggest influences in this period of my life.

Mr. Koval was my teacher for both the 2nd half of fifth grade & all of 6th. Of all the teachers I had, I remember the least about him as a teacher. Strangely, what does come to mind, is his relationship with Mr. Davidson, another teacher at the school. All my other teachers seemed to be what you picture they should look & act like. They appeared to me, (for reasons I can’t fully explain) like two big kids, who would rather be somewhere else, looking for a place to cause trouble. Maybe that is why he didn’t make an impression on me as a teacher. ( If you’re still alive Mr. Koval, no offense intended)

Except for the onset of puberty, Marjorie Poplar, & Bonnie McCartney, the rest of my elementary schools years were uneventful. The three things I just mentioned go together hand in hand. I’m sure you guys out there know what I mean. HA! Margy was blonde, Bonnie was brunette, and both amazingly beautiful girls. I could tell puberty was invading me, because for the first time ever in my young life, I was stumbling over words when I tried to talk with them. Even today, this is how I can tell I’m really smitten by a woman.

Coming up in Chapter 4, part 1, will be about the new neighborhood, it’s interesting people, how this period completely changed the course of my life. Part two will cover my experiences in junior high school. ( 7th & 8th grade ) Part 3 will be my stories & trials of dealing with the change of life called… puberty………………

Till next time………………

– SP

Super Pimp In A Tux?

No, I wasn’t getting married! Back in November I was part of a shoot for a commercial to be aired very soon. It is scheduled to be shown at Cinemark theaters, on the big screen, before every movie. How cool is that!!? The only thing not so cool is, my face is going to be shown about 200 times bigger than God ever intended it to be… 🙂

Had The Pleasure of Escorting These Beautiful Twin Sisters, Nancy (black) and Kate (purple), to the Event. Pimpin' Ain't Easy!

Saturday was the first night it was shown to the general public. Up to this point,I hadn’t even seen it. The commercial was initiated by the dynamic new Cleveland based company Unite This City, a Cleveland twist to the national company Groupon.

The launch party was a “red carpet” affair held at the Barley House Cleveland on W 6th st. The evening started with a buffet style dinner, comprised of some of the great food which Barley House has become known for. After dinner, the crowd was wowed by the first of two great “fire” shows put on by Cleveland’ own Robbie Flair. Ray Glime ( DJ EXCEL) MC’ed the event, & also supplied the music in his own unique style.

Next up was the highlight of the evening, the premiere showing of the much anticipated UTC commercial. If I was to say I wasn’t nervous, I’d be telling a lie. I wanted the commercial to be the success the two companies envisioned… especially my part.

When I first appeared, a cheer came from the crowd. I could not ever express in words how great that felt. At the end of the showing ,a wonderful round of applause filled the room in appreciation for a job well done by everyone involved. I was very happy for Don DiFranco & his staff who had worked so hard to make everything happen.

This for me, was another giant step in reaching my dream. A very special thank you to all my family, friends, & fans who turned out to support me on this very special night…..Hope you enjoy the pics………Till next time……………..

– SP

The Snakeskin Suit

Super Pimp Snake Suit
As many of you know, I am in a constant quest to find suits that define my style. Due to the fact most men’s suits are boring, the search becomes harder & harder. In most stores you can find the standard three button, black, navy blue, or gray suit. These are fine for most men & I don’t ever knock their choice. However, to me, these suits should come with a bottle of “No-Doze” in the pocket. I want something that makes me feel amped when I wear it, & stimulates those who see it.

Super Pimp Snake Suit

On a day when I thought all was lost in my search for a different suit, there in front of me appeared the “Snakeskin”. Wow! To me it was like the prospector who is panning for gold; pushes aside the black sand & the sun shines on a big nugget. Not only did it have the vibrant, shiny colors, but also a style so unique it seems to reach out & bite ya. This suit embodies what I consider a true “Superpimpin’ look.

Super Pimp Snake Suit

One of my very favorite nights wearing Super Pimp Snake Suit this outfit was at the Barley House shortly after my Scene magazine cover article hit the stands. I was feeling such a natural high. Looking good in the suit…hanging out at one of my favorite places with a great group of friends…celebrating a wonderful highlight of my dream. Real special times don’t come along in life as much as we would like. Each one needs to be embraced to the fullest. That night, I certainly did……….Till next time………

– SP

P.S. NO reptiles died in the making of this suit. HA! : D

Hardcore Hall & Oates – Drug Deal Gone Bad!

A fun video with Chad Zumock & Mike Polk jr, spur of the moment at the Barley House.

iPhonic – Stand Up (The Movie)

My very first music video with Cleveland’s very own party band, iPhonic.

West 6th Mixtape – Volume 2

Promotional video for West 6th Volume II with some of Cleveland’s best DJ’s

My 21st Birthday Recap

This video reveals the great time I had on my special day.

Pimps & Pimpettes Party Hosted by SuperPimp at Barley House Cleveland

This is the very first theme party I officially hosted…Awesome night!

DJ EV Brings Superpimp On Stage

Went to see Ev (Leak Jones) at Peabody’s, ended up onstage doing my dance

Superpimp on Alan Cox Show

A very excited me announcing my appearance on the show

Charles Barkley Give SuperPimp a Shout Out on TNT

A small clip on national tv with a huge impact on my career Superpimp with fan- Helping a fan by promoting their dream

SuperPimp Exclusive Interview in a Mentor Bathroom

A very early, impromptu video that is talked about to this day!

SuperPimp and a Fan

Helping a fan by promoting their dream

Velvet Dog Roof Top

Fan video summertime.

SuperPimp in Put-in-Bay

One of the only videos with me not in a suit.

Superpimp at WMMS Tailgate

Helping a fan by promoting their dream

Do You Like My Jacket?

NO it’s not me…Guess who?

A Very Humbling Experience

Have you ever noticed how much different your voice sounds to you when you hear it back on a recording? I think in most cases, we are not pleased by how we really sound. When we look into the mirror that we use to put our best face forward, our mind’s eye can make us look better than what might be the case. The reality in both of these instances can be fairly humbling to us…human nature. Well, I had my humbling experience here recently.

A very talented photographer by the name of Michael Cavotta took my commercial headshot last Saturday. He starts with a personal consultation in advance of the shoot where he “gets under the hood” as he says it to see who his clients are on the inside to better reveal them from the outside.

I walked into his brickwall studio and immediately noticed the two very bright light fixtures he uses to take his headshots. My instant thought was that those lights plus my slightly over 21 yr old face are not going to create perfect harmony.

However, It didn’t take long for Michael’s professionalism to take over, leading me to concentrate on working with him instead of worrying about what I would look like.

During the shoot, Michael and I reviewed the proofs. Just as I had feared—the combination of bright lights, pro camera and a 30” monitor revealed the humbling flaws of age. You would think I was disappointed with the picture—and you would be wrong.

Michael was able to capture a look that somehow trumped the ravages of time. At the end of the day, I’m still very comfortable in my skin. I’m proud of the fact I earned every wrinkle. I’m still standing tall and have a smile for all………

Whether you earn your living in front of a camera of not, for professional headshots Superpimp recommends Michael Cavotta – Cleveland Headshot Photography

Till next time……….

– SP

Video Appearance: Hardcore Hall & Oates (NSFW) – Drug Deal Gone Bad!

Since Mike Polk & Chad Zumock invited me to be in this video, my career is now almost complete! Enjoy:

My New Year Resolution

MayMike Super Pimp I first of all wish my family, friends, and fans a happy, healthy, & prosperous New Year. I want to thank you all for loving & supporting me this past year. It was a wonderful year; filled with personal and professional triumphs. Words can not express the gratitude I have for all who have helped me towards achieving my dream. In the next few weeks I will be writing a summary of events which happened last year, along with the goals for the new one. But for right now I want to shift gears, and address my fans & followers.

Since the launch of my website,, early last year, many of you have faithfully followed, and interacted with me via the site. It was very gratifying for me to have so many of you letting me know how much you enjoyed visiting it. As the year went on, many different reasons caused me to neglect the site by not adding content to it on a regular basis. In turn, many of you became disappointed & either visited a lot less often, or quit coming at all. I really feel I let down the people who were kind enough to visit, as well as, appreciate it. I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely apologize to all of you. I sometimes forgot the genuine sentiments you conveyed to me about what it meant to you…for this I am truly sorry.

I don’t normally make New Year’s resolutions because I’m perfect. ( Don’t ask anyone else to verify that HA! ) This year is different. My promise to all who follow me is, to keep my website the entertaining, informative, and inspiring source I started it out to be. If not every day, every week, there will be new blogs, videos, as well as new features added. If you haven’t been to in awhile, you”ll see it has been reorganized to be easier to follow, with some new, & exciting categories.

For those of you who continued to visit my site through this lacks time, I thank you. For those who gave up on it, I would like to invite you back. Any input to make it better is not only welcomed, but also appreciated. It is, after all, for you.

Thanks to all of you or continuing to inspire me to be my best….Means the world to me. Till next time…Good family, Good friends, & Good times……………

– SP

What’s your new years resolution?