I would like to take this opportunity to thank my family, friends, and fans for another great year in pursuit of my dream. Your loyalty, encouragement, and support mean more than I can express. The greatest highlight of this past year has been having all of you in my life. Here are some, but not all, of the others:
My Family
I continue to be the luckiest man alive to have such a wonderful family….Not only my immediate family, but also all my aunts. uncles, & cousins. We continue to be close knit. I pray God leaves my sister’s health problems back in 2013. She is a courageous woman, and like my whole family, I love her dearly. Best to us in 2014!
Super life is all about good family!
Channel 19 Special Report
I was contacted by Jason Handman from CH 19 to do a feature story about me on the evening news. Followed me with a news crew for 2 days at my house & dtown Cleveland. The video has since gone nationwide on numerous major websites, which, in total, receive millions of hits. Video can be viewed at Superpimp.com
Barstools #5 Video on their 2013 Top 100
The above mentioned video achieved national recognition through the popular website, ‘BARSTOOL’ Out of the thousands of videos displayed on the site in 2013, it was ranked in the top 5 for the year. Quite a honor. It has since been picked up by many more sites, and the views could easily be in the millions. My thanks to “El Presidente” the founder of Barstool.
1st Place 48 Hour Film Contest
I was approached by a Maple Films to be the subject of a short movie. It was part of the A & E (cable network) sponsored 48 hour Movie contest. Out of 50+ clips submitted nationwide, mine came in first! Possible consideration for a reality tv show…How cool is that!
2nd Annual Pimp’s and Pimpette’s Party
This party gets bigger & better every year, & the costumes get wilder. Watch for the announcement of this years’ event!
In the same night one of my suits was officially retired into the “Barley House Wall of Fame.” It is truly an honor to join such company: Kyrie Irving, Joe Haden, Bill Clinton, Countless Browns, Cavs and Indians Players, Kim Kardashian and many more.
Hosted the 2013 Summer Olympics
Every year the Barley House gives me the opportunity to host this very unique mid-summer fun fest. Competitive bar games, hot women, & my crazy costume, (complete with olympic torch) makes this one of my favorites.
Whiskey Island Dunk Tank
I’ve done some crazy things this past year, but this ranks in the top 3. Robbie Flair asked me to sit in a carnival dunk tank for charity & have people pay for the chance to submerge me. In itself, no big deal. The fact I wore a full suit with shoes & socks…..Out there!!
Leukemia Repel
The National Leukemia Society contacted me to raise money by repelling down a 13 story building in Shaker Heights. Even though afraid of heights, I did it in true SuperPimp fashion….wearing a full tuxedo! Pimpin’ Ain’t Easy.
Michael Sullivan Fundraiser
Robbie Flair & myself had the privilege to host the Michael Sullivan fundraising event held at Barley House Akron this year. It was a phenomenal success for a phenomenal man. The courage he & his family display, is an example for all to follow. Godspeed in your recovery Michael!
Movember 2013
This was my second year as a proud participant for this great charity, which benefits research into men’s prostate cancer, as part of the Barley House Movember team. It is always tough for me to shave my signature mustache, but what an important cause. Thanks to all who were a part of this effort.
Appearances on Triv Show, Fee’s Kompany, Bombsquad Radio
I was able to do many radio appearances this year. Met Mike Trivisano in studio…Got to be on air with a few of my favs, Allan Fee, Katherine Boyd, & Glenn Anderson. First time appearance with Cali Miles & Lolo Mangual on Bombsquad Radio. I LOVE RADIO!!!
The Hot Card Burn – Guinness Book
Got my name in the Guinness Book of World Records for being apart of setting the most people on fire in one place. I was asked to be part of the record by John Gadd, CEO of HOTCARDS. Exciting & different!
Hot Cards Commercial
I ordered some printing from a great local company called, Hotcards. When I went to pick it up, John Gadd, the CEO, had production crew there. I had no idea they planned on filming me as part of an impromptu promotional video for the company…called it even on the printing.