2013 Year in Review

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my family, friends, and fans for another great year in pursuit of my dream. Your loyalty, encouragement, and support mean more than I can express. The greatest highlight of this past year has been having all of you in my life. Here are some, but not all, of the others:

My Family

I continue to be the luckiest man alive to have such a wonderful family….Not only my immediate family, but also all my aunts. uncles, & cousins. We continue to be close knit. I pray God leaves my sister’s health problems back in 2013. She is a courageous woman, and like my whole family, I love her dearly. Best to us in 2014!

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Super life is all about good family!

Channel 19 Special Report


I was contacted by Jason Handman from CH 19 to do a feature story about me on the evening news. Followed me with a news crew for 2 days at my house & dtown Cleveland. The video has since gone nationwide on numerous major websites, which, in total, receive millions of hits. Video can be viewed at Superpimp.com

Barstools #5 Video on their 2013 Top 100

The above mentioned video achieved national recognition through the popular website, ‘BARSTOOL’ Out of the thousands of videos displayed on the site in 2013, it was ranked in the top 5 for the year. Quite a honor. It has since been picked up by many more sites, and the views could easily be in the millions. My thanks to “El Presidente” the founder of Barstool.

1st Place 48 Hour Film Contest

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I was approached by a Maple Films to be the subject of a short movie. It was part of the A & E (cable network) sponsored 48 hour Movie contest. Out of 50+ clips submitted nationwide, mine came in first! Possible consideration for a reality tv show…How cool is that!

2nd Annual Pimp’s and Pimpette’s Party


pimps party

This party gets bigger & better every year, & the costumes get wilder. Watch for the announcement of this years’ event!


suit retired

In the same night one of my suits was officially retired into the “Barley House Wall of Fame.” It is truly an honor to join such company: Kyrie Irving, Joe Haden, Bill Clinton, Countless Browns, Cavs and Indians Players, Kim Kardashian and many more.

Hosted the 2013 Summer Olympics





Every year the Barley House gives me the opportunity to host this very unique mid-summer fun fest. Competitive bar games, hot women, & my crazy costume, (complete with olympic torch) makes this one of my favorites.

Whiskey Island Dunk Tank


I’ve done some crazy things this past year, but this ranks in the top 3. Robbie Flair asked me to sit in a carnival dunk tank for charity & have people pay for the chance to submerge me. In itself, no big deal. The fact I wore a full suit with shoes & socks…..Out there!!

Leukemia Repel

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The National Leukemia Society contacted me to raise money by repelling down a 13 story building in Shaker Heights. Even though afraid of heights, I did it in true SuperPimp fashion….wearing a full tuxedo! Pimpin’ Ain’t Easy.

Michael Sullivan Fundraiser


Robbie Flair & myself had the privilege to host the Michael Sullivan fundraising event held at Barley House Akron this year. It was a phenomenal success for a phenomenal man. The courage he & his family display, is an example for all to follow. Godspeed in your recovery Michael!

Movember 2013



This was my second year as a proud participant for this great charity, which benefits research into men’s prostate cancer, as part of the Barley House Movember team. It is always tough for me to shave my signature mustache, but what an important cause. Thanks to all who were a part of this effort.

Appearances on Triv Show, Fee’s Kompany, Bombsquad Radio



I was able to do many radio appearances this year. Met Mike Trivisano in studio…Got to be on air with a few of my favs, Allan Fee, Katherine Boyd, & Glenn Anderson. First time appearance with Cali Miles & Lolo Mangual on Bombsquad Radio. I LOVE RADIO!!!


The Hot Card Burn – Guinness Book

Got my name in the Guinness Book of World Records for being apart of setting the most people on fire in one place. I was asked to be part of the record by John Gadd, CEO of HOTCARDS. Exciting & different!

Hot Cards Commercial



I ordered some printing from a great local company called, Hotcards. When I went to pick it up, John Gadd, the CEO, had production crew there. I had no idea they planned on filming me as part of an impromptu promotional video for the company…called it even on the printing.

A terrible end for the Browns, but a terrific tailgate season!



I DID IT! Rappelling fundraiser for Leukemia


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As many of you know, last Saturday 07/27/2013, I was scheduled to rappel off a 13 story building to raise money to fight Leukemia. Today is 07/31/2013 & I’m happy to report I’m alive & well…ready to convey my experience. Thanks to all who read my blog prior to the event, and gave me such great encouragement. I appreciate all of you.

Att the top

At the top The morning of the event was overcast and rainy. First thought was maybe it would be cancelled. Part of me said it would be OK if it was, the other part said no, I want this to happen. After finding it was still on, I arrived at the building to seeing it was much higher than I had expected. Parked beneath it was an ambulance, and fire truck which I was sure was there to cart me away.

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In true Superpimp style I wore a black tuxedo for the rappel. The people who actually ran the rappelling part said in all their years doing this they had never had anybody wear a tux. They all got a great laugh as they put the harness on, and I told them of my fear of heights.

The hardest part was standing on the ledge with my heels hanging over the edge. As I stepped over the side, my concentration went from fear to handling the situation in a military manner. Almost immediately, I began to enjoy the thrill and excitement of my downward descent. As my feet hit the ground I heard a loud cheer and applause. What an awesome feeling knowing not only had I helped raise money for a great cause, but also overcame my fear. As I always say “Life begins where your comfort zone ends”
Godspeed Michael Sullivan……..Hope you all enjoy the video & pics………

– SP

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Mission Accomplished

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Valentine’s Day – Does Romance Still Exist?

The origin of St. Valentine’s Day is as clouded as why we “celebrate” it. Everyone knows February 14 is a day set aside to show our affection for someone. Certainly there are other official days during the year meant for this purpose. The difference is;the affection is expected to be shown in a romantic way. Right away you can tell the continuance of this ritual is not driven by men. HA What is not known by many is the theory of how the whole thing got started.

Interestingly enough, the observance of this day has its roots in religion, as well as paganism.On the religious side it is said to be based on the martyred Saint Valentine. Around
270 AD ( I was in high school at the time) Claudius the Cruel ruled the Roman empire. It was his contention that a strong army could not be built around married men. He declared marriage & engagements against the law. St Valentine was caught marrying couples, and was sentenced to die. He was clubbed to death, and beheaded about 278 AD. Legend has it, he befriended the jailer’s daughter, & wrote her a farewell note signed, “From your Valentine”

On the pagan side, it’s origin is loosely based on the Feast of Lupercalia. This celebration was meant as a fertility ritual. The first part of the ritual was striking women with a thong* made of goatskin.( Perhaps the original ‘thong’ HA!) During the second part, girls’ names were put in a box, then drawn out by the boys, thus pairing them off until the next feast. I think the same principle exists with internet dating. Ha! In 496 AD Pope Gelasius put an end to the feast, and renamed it, St. Valentine’s Day. An interesting side note: The thong used in in the ritual was called a ‘februa’ which eventually gave the month of February its name.

The answer to the question “ Does romance still exist”, lies within us all individually. If you look at Valentine’s Day as an expensive chore we MUST do to keep, and or continue sex with your mate…romance does not exist. If you look at it as another special opportunity to show someone how much they mean to you…romance is alive & well.

The gift you give your love interest speaks volumes as to whether or not romance, & genuine feelings, exist between you. If you’re swearing at traffic on your way to a convenience store to buy some flowers, & you believe St. Valentine’s fate was better….romance does not exist for you. ( Along with your relationship )

If your thoughts for an appropriate gift begin a few weeks before Feb. 14 then you’re on the other side of the coin. As a man you have been listening to the little clues women put out there as to what gesture will make make them feel wanted. We as men don’t put out “clues” per say, but a good woman will know what to get their man. If you put out a genuine effort to please your mate….romance does exist for you, & so will he, or she.

As is everything else in life, the way you handle your St. Valentine’s Day is a choice. If you make the wrong decision, don’t be surprised if the Facebook status under “in a relationship” changes.

To all you single, or soon to be single girls, I ask with much affection…Will you be my ‘Superpimpette’ valentine?!

Till next time………

– SP

P.S. Meanwhile, here’s some lessons some guys learned the hard away:

Super Pimp In A Tux?

No, I wasn’t getting married! Back in November I was part of a shoot for a commercial to be aired very soon. It is scheduled to be shown at Cinemark theaters, on the big screen, before every movie. How cool is that!!? The only thing not so cool is, my face is going to be shown about 200 times bigger than God ever intended it to be… 🙂

Had The Pleasure of Escorting These Beautiful Twin Sisters, Nancy (black) and Kate (purple), to the Event. Pimpin' Ain't Easy!

Saturday was the first night it was shown to the general public. Up to this point,I hadn’t even seen it. The commercial was initiated by the dynamic new Cleveland based company Unite This City, a Cleveland twist to the national company Groupon.

The launch party was a “red carpet” affair held at the Barley House Cleveland on W 6th st. The evening started with a buffet style dinner, comprised of some of the great food which Barley House has become known for. After dinner, the crowd was wowed by the first of two great “fire” shows put on by Cleveland’ own Robbie Flair. Ray Glime ( DJ EXCEL) MC’ed the event, & also supplied the music in his own unique style.

Next up was the highlight of the evening, the premiere showing of the much anticipated UTC commercial. If I was to say I wasn’t nervous, I’d be telling a lie. I wanted the commercial to be the success the two companies envisioned… especially my part.

When I first appeared, a cheer came from the crowd. I could not ever express in words how great that felt. At the end of the showing ,a wonderful round of applause filled the room in appreciation for a job well done by everyone involved. I was very happy for Don DiFranco & his staff who had worked so hard to make everything happen.

This for me, was another giant step in reaching my dream. A very special thank you to all my family, friends, & fans who turned out to support me on this very special night…..Hope you enjoy the pics………Till next time……………..

– SP

A Very Humbling Experience

Have you ever noticed how much different your voice sounds to you when you hear it back on a recording? I think in most cases, we are not pleased by how we really sound. When we look into the mirror that we use to put our best face forward, our mind’s eye can make us look better than what might be the case. The reality in both of these instances can be fairly humbling to us…human nature. Well, I had my humbling experience here recently.

A very talented photographer by the name of Michael Cavotta took my commercial headshot last Saturday. He starts with a personal consultation in advance of the shoot where he “gets under the hood” as he says it to see who his clients are on the inside to better reveal them from the outside.

I walked into his brickwall studio and immediately noticed the two very bright light fixtures he uses to take his headshots. My instant thought was that those lights plus my slightly over 21 yr old face are not going to create perfect harmony.

However, It didn’t take long for Michael’s professionalism to take over, leading me to concentrate on working with him instead of worrying about what I would look like.

During the shoot, Michael and I reviewed the proofs. Just as I had feared—the combination of bright lights, pro camera and a 30” monitor revealed the humbling flaws of age. You would think I was disappointed with the picture—and you would be wrong.

Michael was able to capture a look that somehow trumped the ravages of time. At the end of the day, I’m still very comfortable in my skin. I’m proud of the fact I earned every wrinkle. I’m still standing tall and have a smile for all………

Whether you earn your living in front of a camera of not, for professional headshots Superpimp recommends Michael Cavotta – Cleveland Headshot Photography

Till next time……….

– SP

My New Year Resolution

MayMike Super Pimp I first of all wish my family, friends, and fans a happy, healthy, & prosperous New Year. I want to thank you all for loving & supporting me this past year. It was a wonderful year; filled with personal and professional triumphs. Words can not express the gratitude I have for all who have helped me towards achieving my dream. In the next few weeks I will be writing a summary of events which happened last year, along with the goals for the new one. But for right now I want to shift gears, and address my fans & followers.

Since the launch of my website, Superpimp.com, early last year, many of you have faithfully followed, and interacted with me via the site. It was very gratifying for me to have so many of you letting me know how much you enjoyed visiting it. As the year went on, many different reasons caused me to neglect the site by not adding content to it on a regular basis. In turn, many of you became disappointed & either visited a lot less often, or quit coming at all. I really feel I let down the people who were kind enough to visit, as well as, appreciate it. I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely apologize to all of you. I sometimes forgot the genuine sentiments you conveyed to me about what it meant to you…for this I am truly sorry.

I don’t normally make New Year’s resolutions because I’m perfect. ( Don’t ask anyone else to verify that HA! ) This year is different. My promise to all who follow me is, to keep my website the entertaining, informative, and inspiring source I started it out to be. If not every day, every week, there will be new blogs, videos, as well as new features added. If you haven’t been to Superpimp.com in awhile, you”ll see it has been reorganized to be easier to follow, with some new, & exciting categories.

For those of you who continued to visit my site through this lacks time, I thank you. For those who gave up on it, I would like to invite you back. Any input to make it better is not only welcomed, but also appreciated. It is, after all, for you.

Thanks to all of you or continuing to inspire me to be my best….Means the world to me. Till next time…Good family, Good friends, & Good times……………

– SP

What’s your new years resolution?

Thanks for Thanksgiving

If we are supposedly the highest form of nature, why is it most of the time we don’t act natural? Without hesitation, or reservation, most other species show appreciation for each other in one way or another at any time……naturally. We as the human species many times won’t express the thanks we feel in our hearts towards those we love until a holiday.And so I say, “thanks to Thanksgiving”

Thanks for giving me the way to tell my family, friends, & fans how much I love & appreciate them when maybe it would feel awkward otherwise. On this day I want to express to all my brothers & sisters of the military, & their families, the thanks I feel for the sacrifices you make. Having been overseas away from my family while serving, I know how you feel.

A thought to those who may be estranged from a loved one, whether it be family, friend,or ex. There was probably a Thanksgiving past when there was love, & happiness between you. Everyone makes a mistake, no one is perfect. Draw upon those memories; ask for or give forgiveness, then you too can say “THANKS FOR THANKSGIVING”……….Till next time……….

– SP

Butt Watchers Shades & Appereal Launch Party

I would like to invite all of you to the official Cleveland launch party for Buttwatcher shades at the Velvet Dog hosted by yours truly.

Mark the 28th of September on your calendars, and be my guest at one of the most fun parties of the year. Not only will we be passing out the official Buttwatchers t-shirts, but also, the beautiful Buttwatcher’s girls will be there to test out your new shades. #Don’t get caught HA!

Visit us at bwshades.com, and get your first pair of BW sunglasses. Show them at the door and go to the front of the line! …………Till next time……………..

– SP

Alan Cox Interview

– SP

State of the Union

Attention SuperPimp Army! As you all now know, I am no longer employed by Progressive. I am truly humbled by the outpouring of support you’ve all showed this past few days. A lot of you have asked what’s next. LET ME ASSURE YOU: I am happier then ever & focused to follow my dream in this next chapter of my life.

I’m going to be announcing some very exciting events coming in the near future, as well as discussing some recent turn of events in my personal life, THIS TUESDAY at 4:20pm on the The Alan Cox Show Fan. I’m asking all my fans friends to join Allan, Chad, Erika, & I in this radio extravaganza.You can help me by tuning in to 100.7 WMMS on Aug. 28th at 4:20pm & by calling the station, letting them know you appreciate hearing Superpimp on the show. Thanx in advance….I am so pumped to represent Cleveland!!!

– SP

The End of an Era

My colleagues and I dressed as different forms of Flo for Halloween. I’m to the right of the original. I was dressed as Flo circa 1985

“YOU’RE FIRED!” says Donald Trump on his hit reality series, “The Apprentice.” This is certainly not a new phrase. It has been around in one form or another since the first person paid money to someone else to perform a task. What is also not new is the fear of possibly hearing these words, and the anguish it causes for people who have heard it. On July 18th, 2012 I was personally told by Progressive Insurance my employment with them was terminated. Why and how did this happen to me, arguably one of their very best salespeople? As with most things that surround me, the story is very unusual.

Disguised as a mild-mannered insurance agent during the day, turned into Superpimp at night

May 10, 1999 I was hired by a very vibrant company in the middle of an exciting evolution. Although Progressive was founded 75 years ago, when I first walked through the doors it seemed like it just started that day. As I walked down the hallways, I could just feel the energy and enthusiasm exuded by the people who worked there. They were happy to work for a forward moving company, who appreciated their important role in making that happen.

In those days you would see a tall striking man with a black cowboy hat wandering those same hallways. His aura and reputation could be felt ten feet in front of him, as well as ten feet behind him, as he mingled and talked with his employees.

A “Superpimp“ of sorts, his name was Peter B. Lewis. As most titans of industry of his era, he understood it was his people in the “trenches” who made the company successful. Good pay, good benefits, and motivational bonus incentive for those who excelled was his blueprint for showing his appreciation. As a tribute to this philosophy, when I started , Progressive was the 5th largest auto insurance company in the U.S. Approximately 2-3 yrs later we moved up to #3, quickly moving toward #2. As we fast forward to today’s version of this company, many of you reading this will be able to relate to your current job situation.

Some of the great people on one of my earliest sales teams. I will most certainly miss all the wonderfull people I met at Progressive

As time went on, the health of our fearless leader began to fail. His active role in the company became less and less until now it is my understanding he is a member of the board for pay purposes only. Many of the great Progressive leaders of this time period have either retired or moved on to another company. It is my opinion, as these people left, so did their philosophies as to what ultimately makes any company a success. The new “regime” has a different idea as to the order of priorities.

No longer are the hard working people of Progressive and their families #1 priority, but rather the stockholders. Why the change? Follow the money.

Like many other companies, the pay for the top end execs are way out of line. Progressive’s top dog (I personally like him) makes about $12m a yr salary, plus gainsharing and stock options. Depending on the year, it brings him to anywhere between $18m- $25m. How can he possibly live on that kind of money? I don’t blame him for that, but rather the financial structure of the company. Top execs keep those big bucks by pleasing the stockholders, not the “little folks”.

They don't seem to get my name right...

Is their new priority working? As of the day I left , Progressive’s ranking has dropped back to 4th largest, heading backwards towards 5th. (Even though they added homeowners insurance). Even in this time of high unemployment the company suffers from a large exodus of employees. Stock value has remained stagnant or dropped. The overall morale of their employees (As evidenced by the turnover rate) is at an all time low. Gone is the genuine energy, and enthusiasm that once was the trademark of people who worked here. In their place are false actions kept in place so they don’t hear the words, you’re fired. Now let’s talk about my firing.

As I mentioned earlier, my firing from Progressive is unusual. One of the reasons i: I planned and orchestrated it starting actively about two yrs ago. Up until approximately five years ago, I had planned to stay with Progressive for twenty yrs. Why my change of heart? Progressive’s change of heart.

I outlined earlier how, in my opinion, this company has changed. To sum up the major reasons I became disillusioned……

CEO? No, just me dressed up at work ready for the nights festivities!

1) Every year I worked at Progressive I lost money (Average cost of living rises approx. 4% a yr. Progressive raises, if you got one, 1-3%)

2) Continuing to pile on more & more work with one hand, while taking more from you with the other. i.e. no more bonuses, less break time, less vacation than promised at hiring, less company sponsored employee appreciation events, to name a few.

3) Going to work everyday feeling like a micro-managed trained monkey, rather than a productive, thinking, adult human being.

Once I made the decision to get fired, I set the time table. I wanted my daughter to reach her 18th birthday. I needed to have a backup plan for her health insurance in place. Money had to be set aside for a couple months worth of bills. Last but not least, I had to develop

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Dancing with one of my friends, when Progressive used to have great Christmas parties

the testicular fortitude to leave my comfort zone ( guaranteed paycheck ) so i could pursue my dream. With these things in place, I proceeded to break the rules I needed to get fired.

Will everyone agree with what I’ve said about today’s Progressive? Probably not. But it is my heartfelt opinion that most will. I want to make something very clear to all who read this: It was not my purpose to trash my former company. Keep in mind everything positive I said in the beginning, as well as the fact I was with them over 13 years. During the time I worked there i fought very hard to try & bring back the company I truly loved. As my peers of that time will tell you, I put my butt on the line many times saying out loud what most were thinking but were afraid to vocalize. My purpose was just to tell my personal story with the hope it will help others in some way.

In closing I want to convey to Glen Renwick & his staff what a wonderful group of hard working dedicated people they have working for them. If you make them once again your # 1 priority, many of Progressive’s problems will disappear & your jobs will be easier. Remember, when that call center licensed agent answers the phone, they are the “face” of the company. An appreciated employee equals a happy customer.

To my former Progressive “family”…..as hard as it was to try & write this piece, it will be much harder to convey how much I love & miss you all, and what you have meant to me through these last 13 yrs. Not only did we share our work experiences, but also our personal lives. Weddings, divorces …. births, deaths …. joys, sorrows. Hope I brought you a laugh or two through the years. I am happy and pursuing my dream…..I wish the same for all of you.

Diane, John and I, during happier times at Progressive, circa Peter B. Lewis

– SP

P.S.This is for those of you who didn’t see, or hear about my final morning at Progressive. Those of you who know me will get a kick out of this: Knowing I was going to get fired as soon as I came in, I wanted to go out with a bang instead of a whimper. So what was I wearing when I walked into the office at 10:05 am to get the official word……………..The Pink Panther Suit…..

I posted this video when I launched my site. Looking forward to pimpin life full time now.

My fans gave me the nickname “SuperPimp” (Money Mike in Akron). I imagine the nickname came from my style and the women around me… Some people think it means pimpin’ women but this couldn’t be further from the truth. I am a single father of a eighteen year old girl, whom I love very much. What I “Pimp” (Promote and Stand For) is the good life. It’s all about good friends, good family, good food and good times.

My Daughter’s High School Graduation

Most of the time I share with fans milestones in attaining my dream. This time the milestone is in my personal life. I am proud to announce my daughter’s graduation from Mentor High School. Graduating from high school in itself may not seem like such a big deal, but when it’s your child it takes on a whole new dimension.

Pre-graduation preparation is a lot different depending on if you’re a boy a girl. Speaking from the male side, I remember five years ago when I graduated ( Give or take one or two yrs. HA! ) preparation was minimal. All I thought about was the different pranks I could pull off, and which girls I wanted to keep in touch with afterwards. Watching my daughter get ready, I learned what the girls do; hair, nails, under robe outfits. Under robe outfits? What in the hell is up with that. The robe is from the neck to the shoes, but for whatever reason, girls take great pains in choosing just the right apparel. On the opposite end of the spectrum, I almost wore nothing under my robe. Ha!

The ceremony was very moving. The speeches were brief but inspirational. You may hear from the media how bad the public schools are, and how much the teachers/administrators don’t care. I heard genuine emotion in the voices of the staff, which left me feeling like they’re own children were leaving. As I listened to other names being called waiting for my daughter’s, I promised myself I wouldn’t cry. Then I heard her name……another promise broken.

After the ceremony, my sister, my nephew’s wife, and I met her outside the Wolstein Center. I looked my little girl in the face, and saw a beautiful young woman starting her adult life. My mind’s eye still saw the face I used to push on the swings.

Congratulations to my daughter, Kelley, for graduating!

– SP
With my sister Carole

Open Letter To The Fans

Life is made up of a series of events, most of which are mundane and routine. Very few and far between are the events that stir your blood, excite your mind, or have the power to potentially change your life.

One of the these events is about to enter my world.

Today, Wednesday April 4th, Cleveland Scene magazine will be releasing on their website, the feature article they’ve been working on for the last couple of months. Tomorrow, Thursday April 5th, the actual issue will hit the stands with my picture on the cover.

I have not been allowed to read the article, or view the cover in advance, so I will be experiencing everything along with everyone else.

Although I have full confidence in the author Kyle Swenson and the staff of Scene, this is still a very personal event which I have little control over at this point. What makes this very personal is, for the first time I’ve revealed many intimate aspects of my life to my fans, and to the general public, never before discussed with anyone other than family or friends.

Why did I decide to do it? Simply because my dream has always been to entertain and hopefully inspire as many people as I can reach. Thousands of people know of me, but do not KNOW me. I decided if I was truly going to achieve the next level of my quest, people would have to begin to know, “The man behind the suit.“ Fasten your seatbelts, here we go……..

– SP

Read the story online here

Super Tuesday: Make Sure You Go Vote

If you want real CHANGE in this great country your choice can only be RON PAUL! Why? The short answer is: his policies are formed by the CONSTITUTION, not politics.

I am a well informed political junkie. If u disagree, or think ur candidate is better 4 this country, let’s debate below: